
This stage in the financial lifecycle is where you are hopefully financially independent of your employment or your business so much so that you are looking to establish the best way to structure your income in retirement.

For the businessman searching questions are how to structure your finances for retirement and/or how to dispose of your business?

Some harsh facts at this stage are:

Businesses reliant on the efforts of the owner realise much less value on exit than those that have grown and matured effectively with a strong management team, and established products, services and customers.

Economic conditions at the time, and the availability and cost of capital, can affect both the availability of potential buyers and the price.

A business owned by more than one person at point of sale or transfer will need agreement by all.

Impact of Taxation

The involvement of external experts to advise on maximising the value, mitigating tax and careful financial planning are the key to success.

At this stage we look to structure your retirement income and assist you to formulate a succession plan that protects your wealth whilst allowing flexible access in the most tax efficient fashion. Preserving your estate for future generations we work to maximise tax opportunities along with an investment strategy that seeks outperformance.

To take full control of your financial future and manage your wealth, please contact Ian White or Richard Edney on 0844 05022 99 or email abacuswm@sjpp.co.uk.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.

Exit planning strategy may include some products and services that are separate and distinct from those offered by St. James's Place.